About us
With over 50 years of continuous operation, the Barekat Production Group is one of Iran's largest poultry complexes and egg producers. Leveraging decades of scientific and technical expertise, and a team of skilled professionals, the Group has established and operates layer breeder farms with a capacity of 500,000 birds per cycle. It also produces 32,000,000 commercial layer chicks annually, raises 5,000,000 commercial pullets per year, and produces 57,000 tons of eggs yearly. This significant output has allowed the Group to capture a substantial share of Iran's commercial layer chick and table egg markets. Furthermore, by operating a large broiler breeder farm with a capacity of 175,000 birds and producing 15,000,000 broiler chicks annually, the Group has successfully met the growing demand for broiler production in the country, making significant contributions to Iran's poultry meat industry. By securing the exclusive agency for Lohmann Germany's grandparent stock and introducing the high-performing LSL layer breed to Iranian poultry farmers, the Group has taken a significant step in enhancing the quality and quantity of Iran's egg production industry.