Egg Benefits

An egg Help your body produce the energy it needs

An egg contains the essential daily vitamins and minerals that help to give you energy.  Eggs contain, Riboflavin, which helps to produce energy in all the cells of the body; Pantothenic Acid, which helps breakdown food and assists the cells in producing energy; and Phosphorus, essential for healthy bones, teeth and cell membranes, and also necessary for producing energy.

Help your brain and memory function

Eggs contains Choline, which is essential for normal functioning of all cells, including those needed for metabolism, brain and nerve function, memory, and transporting nutrients through the body. Choline also helps prevent birth defects, as well as helping to promote brain and memory development in infants.

Keep your muscles strong

Eggs provide the highest quality protein, which is necessary to help maintain muscle function and slow the rate of muscle loss.

Help develop healthy babies during pregnancy

Choline, found in eggs, is essential for normal functioning of all cells, including those needed for healthy metabolism, brain and nerve function, memory, and transporting nutrients through the body. Choline also helps prevent birth defects, as well as helping to promote brain and memory development in infants.  Eggs are also a good source of Folic Acid; Folic Acid is important for pregnant women, and those trying to become pregnant, as it can help prevent certain nerve related birth defects, including spina bifida.

Lower your risk of heart disease

Eggs are an excellent source of Choline and Vitamin B12.  Choline plays an important role in breaking down homocysteine, an amino acid in the blood that is associated with an increased risk of heart disease.  Vitamin B12 is important for the immune system to function properly, and also helps protect against heart disease.

Help keep your immune system working properly

Eggs are a rich source of Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, and Selenium, which are all important for maintaining a healthy immune system.

Keep you looking healthy

Eggs contain essential vitamins which help to keep you looking healthy: Selenium, which acts as an antioxidant to prevent breakdown of body tissues; Vitamin A, which supports growth and maintains healthy skin, vision and immune function.

Help you to lose weight

Eggs can help you to feel fuller for longer! Research shows that an egg breakfast helps prolong a feeling of fullness.  The high-quality protein in eggs helps you to feel full longer and stay energized, which contributes to maintaining a healthy weight. In fact, research carried out in the U.S shows that eggs eaten at the start of the day can reduce daily calorie intake, prevent snacking between meals and keep you satisfied for longer.

Keep your eye sight stronger for longer

Lutein and zeaxanthin, two of the antioxidants found in eggs, help to prevent macular degeneration, a leading cause of age-related blindness.  Eggs also contain Vitamin A, which supports growth and maintains healthy skin, vision and immune function.
